Wow! It's been over a month since the last time I received a parcel in the mail from somebody; and this time, it came from Canada. I wasn't expecting anything; and usually the PO Box is overflowing with bills and junk mail. This time, it had a blue parcel pick-up card and I was totally delighted! So, after picking it up, I found on the customs sticker, it said chocolate... my favourite kind of deliver (well, okay, next to books!)
I gotta thank the wonderful BCer who sent this calendar and jumbo-sized Reeces to me; two of them. After I photographed them, I put them into the fridge to chill (as we're having the hottest Autumn on record right now here in Australia! It's still hot during the day and night!). I look forward to putting up other parcels and goodies that show up in my PO Box in the future.