Monday, November 15, 2010

A HGG Like No Other!

Today, I received a wonderful HGG from a mystery person.  There was an address on the back of a calendar-sized parcel and yet no card or note to let me know who it was from on the inside.  And yet when I opened it, I immediately burst into tears of happiness that I had been sent such a wonderful item through the mail.  This item is 'The Breakfast Club' movie sountrack on vinyl.  I've been searching everywhere for it in all the music shops and haven't found it.  
Thank you very much to my mystery sender from Victoria, Australia.  You didn't leave your screen name (I'd rather not use your Real Life name here for safety reasons) so I'd like to thank you very much for making my year and making me very happy.  I will treasure this vinyl and keep looking out for one that is in mint condition; as this one has a few scratches (but then when they're second-hand, you can't help but get a few on them).  And even when I do get a better one, I won't get rid of this one seeing they're so hard to find.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A postcard from Canada!

I received a lovely postcard from megami-no-ushi in Canada.  It's just lovely with the two Grizzly bear cubs on the front isn't it?  I've love this part of the world since I received a calendar from one of my old penpals in New York who had been there for holidays.  And now, since then, my Mum has been there and fell in love with the place too.
Thank you again for the post card.  It will join the others in my dining room that line the wall near my kitchen. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Bag of Books From Dancesports!

Now, it's not often I receive a bag of books just because somebody feels like sending one.  But today, one arrived at the post office for me and I was absolutely surprised by it!  In it were five books that were right down my alley in my reading area and I must say that one of them was off my wish list on Bookcrossing.  Now, that's just brilliant!  
Thank you so much, Dancesports for sending me these books; you're just wonderful!  I really didn't expect anything in return for sending those books to you.  But you've really made my day as I've been suffering from the most dreadful hayfever for the last week and have just gotten my voice back! 

Goodies From Finland!

I received two parcels in the mail today.  One was sitting in the PO Box itself and there was a blue pick-up card.  I pulled out the parcel and took it inside with the card to find the other parcel was much bigger.  
But I'll tell you about this first one first.  It was quite small and I opened it to find the contents were inside a plastic bag.  I pulled them out and found a gold coin purse, a postcard, a cute notebook and a tube of chocolate.  Thank you so much miumaumau!  I'm looking forward to using all of these things soon!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

MacGyver Strikes Again!

Yesterday, I was so busy that I didn't get a chance to post this thank you for a book that showed up in my PO Box.  It's titled 'What Would MacGyver do?' by Brendan Vaughan.  I was a big fan of the television show and so thought this would be a cool, light little read of stories where people have had little to nothing to work with to get themselves out of sticky situations; and they've had to MacGyver their way out, thinking of the most interesting and - if not insane - ways to making do with what they have.
Thank you so much Bkind2books for sending this one to me as part of your 400+ registered books RABCK.  I'm looking forward to sticking my nose between its pages; even if it's a little on the corny side.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sci-fi Bookbox Lands Back In Brisbane!

After a year traveling overseas, the Sci-Fi Magic Bookbox has finally arrived back home.  There were a few people who asked to be skipped, but then, I'll be doing another one next year; so they might jump back into the mix then.  The books were wonderful and assorted and I can't wait to get my nose into a few of them.  
Thank you all for taking part and I look forward to doing another box next year around this time; and having it go around the world again!  

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Labels From Froggie66

Today, I was expecting a parcel from oversea; however, it hasn't arrived as yet.  But I did receive another surprise in the mail instead.  Froggie66 sent me an envelope of  Bookcrossing labels during this Bookcrossing Label Exchange.  

Thank you so much!  I've gotten so many, I'll be using them all the time now.  And these ones are smaller ones to be used in smaller books; and that's wonderful!  Also, I have enough labels now to use over the next year too!  If I have any left for next year's label exchange, they'll be split up and sent away again like this time.