Friday, December 3, 2010

A Week of Deliveries

I received a few items this week that I didn't get the chance to put up here mainly because I've been so busy with Christmas shopping other things to do with this time of year.  I'm terribly sorry about this; but here are the parcels that arrived.
I didn't get mail until Wednesday; and I was very excited to find that I had to sign for one parcel.  So, I signed for the parcel and found that it was one that had been traveling around the world for almost 2 years!  This was the 'Tea, Read and Journal Bookbox' I had sent off in January 2009.  It's been stalled a little in Indonesia; but I won't go into details of why it was.  However, there were a few things that went astray, such as the tea and the bookmarks; but the books and the journal were still inside.  This is what I was grateful for.
The next parcel that I had received that day was a bookray of 'How To Be A Villain'.  Now, this book is hilariously funny and I read half of it in one sitting. so, I'd say it's going to be a really quick read.  However, seeing how good and funny it is, it's worth reading all the little quotes put in by the author of Darth Vadar, and Montgomery C Burns as well as a few others.  they are pretty funny on their own outside their usual context.
Today, I received a postcard from Charleston, South Carolina.  It's a lovely card and of a view from a beautiful house.  Thank you very much casadchick for taking the time to write to me from your lovely city of Charleston.  I've seen some television shows about the place and would love to visit it one day; as I've heard so many things about it.

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