When Wamstreet went to Forks, Washington, she offered up a calender for grabs as a prize. Well, it was on for young and old... everyone wanted it and it was a rather suspenseful time when she made her decision.
I'm happy to say that the calender has arrived safe and unbent and in one piece at my PO Box! I'm happy to say it's also in its original wrappings too! Thank you so much Wamstreet for this calender. It was a great surprise when you said that I had won it and I have been looking forward to its arrival for some time. And now it's here, I'm still deciding whether to leave it in its original wrappings or to use it here in the office with my Dr Who clock. I'll let you know what I decide.
Last night was very hot and today turned out horrible too. So, I've been determined to get as much done before 11am as possible; and I've succeeded! I went to the chemist, checked the mail and got all the laundry on the line (all three loads!). And when I checked the mail, I was expecting letters, junkmail or bills; but I had a collection card instead. Just a blue one. So, I grabbed it and went inside and was handed a heavy brown paper-wrapped parcel with a very-well-drawn Ballycumber on the front. But before I left, the lady gave me another parcel, saying she hadn't gotten to writing it up.I have Herchelle to thank for this lovely book! At first, I didn't know who the book was for as there were two cards with it; one for Loey (my Mum) and one for me. When I opened my card, it was a lovely Christmas card with a hand-made, personalised bookmark and an ornament inside! Aren't they just lovely? I'm not sure what's in Loey's card, we'll just have to wait and see. And seeing, both cards were inside the parcel with the book, I had to journal the book to find out who to give the book to. Thank you again, I will most definitely peruse this one carefully.
I received this rather thick envelope the other day; and it said on it not to open it until 14th, February. However, I've noticed that everyone on Bookcrossing were already opening their goodies, and thought it wouldn't hurt to open it. And so, I have to discover the most gorgeous card I've ever seen! Isn't it lovely?Seeing I've never received a St Valentine's Card like this (or ever) for over a decade, this card is like nothing I've ever seen! It's so pretty and well-made. I'm wondering if JulesPaige made this one or bought it. And just look at the detail inside it! I had to take more than one photo of that interior. But I chose only one.
Thank you so much for the gorgeous card! I'm not sure if I should give it to the person I have in mind; or keep it until next year. I'll have to put it away for the next few days and see. JulesPaige, you've given me something to think about as now, I have two cards to mull over to give to someone; that's if I have the courage to give him the card.
The second parcel I received today was from Israel; Jerusalem to be exact. And I was so excited about it, I opened it straight away at the post office and was (and still am) amazed at the beautiful present I found inside. The first thing that greeted me was the gorgeous purple scarf the unwrittenlibra had sent me. It was just lovely! And I love this colour! It's one of the main colours I'm using in my blanket for my lounge this year which will match the jewel green curtains! Then, wrapped in a soft tissue was a fridge magnet of the city with 'Shalom' written on it. And then wrapped in the scarf was a copy of 'On a Hoof and a Prayer' by Polly Evans. I read the back of it and thought it sounded like a great book to read.
I'm so sorry I didn't wait until the right day to open this gem of a present. But I do appreciate everything in it and the lovely note you wrote. It's been so long since I received something this wonderful from anyone; and I will most definitely use the scarf when the day comes around if my family are doing something. Thank you again, UnwrittenLibra for your generosity; and I hope you enjoy your pressie from me (I'm very new at the Valentine's thing, so I do hope you like what I've gotten you).
I love getting mail! And it seems that a lot of the parcels that were supposed to arrive on Monday arrived today. So, when I looked inside my little PO Box, I found this parcel and blue pick-up card. I had some things to post off anyway, so I went inside to collect my parcel and to organise my parcels to send off. I also opened the parcels I had received in case there was anything fragile I should know about - but truthfully, I'm excited about receiving books and parcels that I just love to open them. And this one was from earthangelash; a prize in her Aussie RABCK she hosted.
Thank you so much for this. I do look forward to reading the book and have decided to add the heart into a parcel I'm organising today to be sent to the coast to Tinina67; the first person in my 'Mixed Favourite's Book Baggie'. Where the heart goes from there, well, it will the way of fate, but it will still travel.