Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Parcel Influx

After such a long time without receiving a parcel for me - and the only parcels arriving were for Loey - I received three parcels today in the mail and one envelope.  This crowded my little PO Box; so there was a blue parcel pick-up card there amongst one parcel and the envelope.
Once I received my larger parcels, I couldn't wait to get home, and opened the two parcels inside the post office.  And I found one book titled 'The Bee-Loud Glade' by Steve Himmer; which is a book I volunteered to read for a book discussion on Goodreads.  I began reading this one on the way home and read up to page two.  It's beautifully written.
The other two parcels were from Bookcrossers.  One was a RABCK (a generous giveaway from a Bookcrosser who had a book up for grabs) titled 'Jumping the Queue' by Mary Wesley and the other parcel was a birthday gift from Sfogs containing two books titled: 'Shadowlight' by Mike Jefferies and the other?  Well, I'm not supposed to tell... it's a secret on Bookcrossing and so I better keep it that way until the bookring is finished.  But I have to read that one too.  So, I have a lot of reading ahead of me.  
Thank you all for sending these books through the mail to me.  I really do appreciate it.  It's great they made it before my birthday; as it's made my day all the more special.

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