Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Book Box Arrival and Birthday Greetings too!

I was late getting out to the post office today... but when I did, I found a few little things there waiting for me.  One was a blue parcel pick-up card.  I went inside to pick it up.  I'm always excited when there's on of these in the PO Box as it always means one of my friends has sent me something very cool to me.
When I went inside, I found I had a postcard too from Finland.  How lovely!  I love getting these things.  They are so cool!
The parcel was a box from New Zealand and it was quite heavy.  So, I couldn't wait to get home to open it... and I found it was a book box that Sfogs sent over; with a very cool little birthday card inside too!  I'll figure out which one I have to read first, get in and read it, then, I'll place the card on top of the piano with the other two I've received.  Thank you Sfogs for sending the very cool parcel and the card.  How lovely!

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