Tuesday, December 1, 2009

And It's Christmas Card Season!

Don't you just love Christmas? No matter where you live, everyone puts up a tree, decorations, and we all give presents to each other. It's all about giving and receiving and being nice to each other; not just the belief of the Holy Spirit. And even though I'm not a church-goer, I enjoy giving more than anything else at this time of year as it makes me feel good to do so.

And today, I received my first Christmas cards through the mail! But instead of doing an individual post for each one, I thought one big post for all of them would be a good start! Okay. here goes:

The first one I opened was from benschu in Lubeck, Germany. It's a beautiful hand-made card with blue stars on it. And I love hand-made things (as it says on my wish list!) So benschu, you've killed two birds with one stone here! And just look at that envelope! It's covered in stars. I didn't think of photographing the back of it as it's got
stars all over the back too! Beautiful! Thank you again!

The next one was from Bookworm2525 in Puyallup, WA in America. And seeing I haven't seen snow since I was 19, it definitely brings back memories of when I went through Arthur's Pass in the South Island of NZ. It was cold and we had fun throwing snowballs everywhere! However, I've never seen a white Christmas before. So, that's something I'd like to do before I get too old. Thank you so much for this beautiful card!

This third card, I thought to leave until last as it's hand-stitched. The addressee on the back was annenz from Greymouth, NZ; however it was signed by both annenz and simplyreflected on the card. And just look at how much work went into this one! It's a counting cross-stitch Christmas design! You guys have put so much work in to this, I just have to thank you very much for it! It's so pretty and must have taken you ages!

So, there you have it! The first three Christmas cards for the season. They are going to be taking pride of place on my piano; soon to be joined by others in the coming weeks.

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