Friday, October 9, 2009

Inksmudge And Your Gorgeous Cards!

What can I say about Inksmudge and her trademark beautiful hand-made cards. They are one-of-a-kind and I love them. Last year, I received one with my screen name on it and I still have it on my bookcase next to the computer (Yes, I love it that much it's become part of the furniture.). Then, you sent Loey a birthday card this year for her Love Bomb (and she loves it too; telling people how well-known you are for your cards!).

And then this one showed up yesterday in Loey's letterbox. I was out and about at Garden City when I was told about it. When I arrived, I was thrilled to find the most gorgeous birthday card waiting for me. And isn't it lovely? It's now joined the rest of the other cards on my Grandma's piano for the next few weeks; until I put them into the purple basket that all your parcels came in. Thank you so much for sending this beautiful card. I love it and the verse inside is just lovely. You truly have a talent.


  1. I am so happy that you like the cards I have made. I do try to mix things up and make them all different and using different techniques. You have given me a great idea though, and from now on I think I shall be taking a photo of each of them before I send them out because after I mail them, I forget what it actually looked like. So thank you Mozette for the great idea! That way I can have a kind of catalog of the cards I've made.

  2. Hey you're welcome. I just love the one you sent me last year and it's still on my shelf - as I said. When people come into my office and they see it, they're blown away the somebody made it and it's not a bought card.
